Don't tell me about reality
I know exactly what is real and what is in my head
If I say something that you don't agree with
Don't tell me it's not realistic
I'm saying it because I need to say it
I need the hope that goes along with saying it
Let me have that hope
For just a minute.
Don't tell me about reality
I'm perfectly aware that friendships don't last forever
That he probably won't like me back
That I don't have any money
That a lot of people dislike me
That world peace is impossible
That every life ends.
Don't tell me about reality
I've been smacked, pushed, and held down
But every time I've gotten back up
I've jumped up
I don't even know how I do it
I wish I did to pass on this ability
But it's just something I've found I've had to do
There's no other choice
Because I deserve better.
Don't tell me about reality
I've heard stories that I thought only happened in movies
These people have been abused, hated, and deprived
I have never been as disappointed
As when I heard the story of your sadness
Because you deserve all the happiness in the world
And never have I ever been as relieved
As when you told me you have made it this far.
Don't tell me about reality
Because my happiness comes from that glimmer of hope
Your eyes shine with possibility
That's why I prefer my mind
To your reality.
~ Lia Rose 4/12/13
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