Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Being Unitarian Universalist

We are smart. We are really smart. Smart enough to use the word intelligent.
We love. We love more than you can even imagine. We love each other, we love anyone who wants to be loved, who needs to be loved. 
We smile. We smile because we know that it's the only way to get through these impossible times we call life. We smile because we know that sometimes all somebody needs to make their day better is a smile. A genuine smile. 
We laugh. We laugh until our faces turn red, and even then we continue to laugh. Telling a joke or making a silly face can cure any kind of sadness. 
We breathe. We breathe in each other's warmth and each other's sorrows, and exhale happiness to be shared by all. We breathe to relieve, we breathe to heal. 
We accept. We accept... We accept anyone and everyone who lives on our beautiful planet. Gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual, white, black, Russian, Swedish, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, EVERYONE. 
We are Unitarian Universalists, and we love you.

~ Lia Rose 4/5/12

1 comment:

  1. I love this. It's so true. Theres a lot more you could say about us, but this is a good overview.
